Part 4: The Child is Missing

Alright, not too many things to go over before we continue our train journey this time so let's get this done quickly.

3. The tree in the upper-left corner and the one to its immediate right belong to different groups. Additionally, the tree in the upper-right corner and the one directly below it belong to different groups as well. Use these hints as stepping stones to solve the rest of the puzzle.
Honestly, this is pretty simple so this answer should be the right one.

And this one I did, uh, get wrong once.

2. Why don't you take a closer look at the corners of the picture?
3. You can complete most of the drawing using only two colours, but did you notice there's one pesky area down in the lower-left corner that requires an additional colour?
I just went "oh yeah it's 2 obviously" and then whoops. It was not actually two at all.

Basically Layton helps make it clear that I am secretly a giant moron. Thanks, Layton.

So with that done, we now begin to make tracks towards our room. Except there's a couple distractions right here! Also something kind of important we forgot to do.

Um, uh, sorry but I kind of don't remember right now either. I'll get back to you on that though!
remember true gentlemen dine and dash unless explicitly caught

Anyway, it is very easy to miss but there IS a second puzzle in the dining car now.

It's tied to that glass on the left you see. Something you would probably just never thing to click on since it did nothing earlier.

I don't know. Probably?

Right so, anyway, we can't head back towards the observation deck right now. Our room isn't in that direction after all.

But the kitchen is open, so we should totally pay our compliments to the chef (who's not actually a chef). Oh and probably cheer him up too because Beluga was kind of a giant jerk!

Um, that's okay. Can we do that later?

Normally I would totally rise to the bait and just do this here and now.
But we're still kind of full anyway so let's just go chill in our room.

Wait, hang on what? That looks way too small.

Alright, so let's start our little investigation into this matter shall we?

I'm sure Chelmey will have something useful for us. Probably. Hopefully.
...Kinda doubt it but you never know!

Neither the time nor the place, Chelmey. No need for these petty squabbles.

Man, forget you Chelmey. You just... stand here and look pretty I guess? Meanwhile, we'll go do your job for you. Jerk.
So, we just came from the dining car and passed no children on the way here so we'll keep heading towards the front of the train for the time being.

En route, we can find a new woman to talk to!

I would love to, but alas we have other things to be doing right now.

Alright, so, we're actually right outside our room right now. Needless to say, there are no small boys currently in there.
But we haven't exactly gone down towards the front of the train from here yet, have we? Mayhap the child is over there.

This smells like a fetch quest. Fortunately, we're not in that kind of game so we should be okay!

Instead, we are in the kind of game where we could gather the pieces and then put the camera back together. Sounds sort of similar to something we've done before thinking about it.
We'll deal with this later as well. For now, since we've got this we should be able to get into the next carriage.

Welp, never mind then. But I did see something on the door so maybe we can just look at that instead?

Sorry, Sam, I'm really not interested in your puzzle right now.

Regardless, I think we can now safely guess that Tom's not past here. Which means we need to start a systematic sweep of every single room back towards the observation deck.
Room-after-room reveals nothing of interest, until...

It's not immediately obvious but this open door immediately past the dining car is a room we haven't been in yet!

I immediately regret this. Let's just grab those coins and check out that mess on the floor.

Because, y'know, they are a child even younger than Luke. This should not come as a surprise.

Thankfully for us, Babette is currently fast asleep but even in her sleeptalking she gives us nothing useful.

At least her vase has a puzzle for us? Sure, why not.

I think we can deal with this later, Professor.

Right, so, anyway the point here is that Tom went to the kitchen at some point. Probably before he went missing considering the location of the scraps and that Babette didn't mention this at all.
Though she's useless so that means nothing.
Still, a lead is a lead so let's go check it out!

Once again, this remains not the best time for this Luke!

So, hat in hand (don't question it) we can continue our search some more. There are a scant few rooms left to check further towards the back after all!

There weren't too many puzzles last time, no. There's plenty this go around though!

1. Start by adding up the cost of the entire meal.
2. Luke's meal cost twice as much as the professor's. That means the ratio of Luke's cost compared to the professor's cost must be 2:1.

1. "This design is preposterous!" The owner wasn't angry because the design in question was hard to assemble. He was upset because one design was physically impossible to replicate in real life.
2. A and C could probably be pulled off with steady hands and a lot of patience.

1. You don't need to do any kind of special calculation here. In fact, all you need is a little intuition.
2. How would things look if you rotated the smaller triangle?

1. Had the shoe clerk not gone next door to get change, he might never have realized he lost money.
2. In the end, the shoe clerk essentially passed back the 50 pounds he got from the shopkeeper next door, so he neither lost nor gained money from these interactions.

1. Working backward from the goal in your head is a great tactic that can help you find the answer.
2. The solution requires that you take exactly 19 steps from the start point to the goal.
3. From the start point, begin your walk by taking a step to the right.

1. Since the puzzle tells you that no one got on the train during the ride, it's safe to say that the number of passengers on the train never increased.

1. The black-and-white color scheme of the altered image makes this puzzle a lot more challenging, doesn't it? However, this change to the image may ends up helping you more than you know. Remember, in the altered image, dark spots are now bright, and vice versa.

1. The puzzle says that some of the children received red balloons. From that, you can infer that there were no fewer than four children in red hats.
2. The puzzle says some of the kids received a red balloon. By definition, therefore, not all kids received a red balloon.